Violence... masculine vs toxic

Thanos wearing the Infinity Gauntlet causing violence

Toxic Violence:

An unnecessary show of force, attack, and brutality to inflict harm with reckless abandon to further his own interest and/or exact revenge without mercy. He is actually the most dangerous man in the room because he is precisely not of masculine fortitude. When we hear about child abuse, trafficking, sexual assaults, and mass shootings, we know who he is before we know who he is. He is the prototypical self-proclaimed victim living in his mother's basement retreating to the couch and sitting in contempt while the storm of his own creation brews to fill with rage and ruthlessness. He doesn’t take responsibility or ownership to create internal value so that he can shape his life… he can’t or won’t carry a load and refuses to take action to be more… until one day, he does. Only now, he turns to hate, violence, and acts of cowardice with an onslaught of cruelty. The consequences lead to whatever gives him a sense of conquest and forced surrender over the victim because he can... men are on average bigger and stronger than women and can overpower them physically. “Anatomy is destiny," said Sigmund Freud. In the modern world though, he can simply take his dad's AR-15 and now he feels like a real man. No glory.

He is the harmless and fragile butterfly, adrift at the mercy of whatever wind blows in his direction... until he finds an even more harmless organism, or worse, a semi-automatic machine gun.

Opposing Masculine Excellence Traits:


A necessary show of his capacity for catastrophe, to inflict monstrosity where it stands... to stand firm, push back, attack, and destroy (with a side dish of mercy) when duty calls. He is a more complete beast because he is a strong, capable, savage Barbarian... because people, especially bullies, don't want to fuck with a superpower. 99 out of 100 times, it is precisely his combat readiness (his commanding disposition, body language, mannerisms) that deters and mitigates violence before it has a chance to ensue. Masculine excellence in violence means that before he unsheaths his blade, he takes aim as a provider, protector, and doer of good. This kind of feared and formidable violence is made possible by the noble balance of his blades... as a doer of right and good in the world. When duty calls, and it is required of him to further his interests, to stay alive, to further the interests of his tribe, to keep his wife and children alive, to enact violence in any scenario— young Primals that push back, car jacking, would be kidnapping or terrorism, or shoulder-to-shoulder in battle... Violence can be a beautiful. Sometimes he needs to be monstrous to prevent attack and defend our freedoms, and sometimes he needs to be to be downright violent to destroy something so that something greater can grow in its place... glory that shines a light so bright that it crests near the divine.

He is the is savage beast barbarian, double-fisting battle axes... seeker of glory, mover of mountains and bringer of benevolent storms.

Liver King standing in water holding a spear

Masculine vs. Toxic Traits

Check yourself. A comprehensive breakdown of qualities that make or break the man.



Liver King Out!